Thursday, December 1, 2011

Geting Your Input Into Perspective

Recall that old adage, "Garbage in, garbage out" or "GIGO." Likewise, program good things, and good will come. Whatever goes IN to us, physically, mentally, and spiritually, has an EFFECT on us one way or another. For years, as The Organic Produce Gal I looked at food and asked folks, "Do you want to BLESS or STRESS your body?" It's not just food, but everything that goes in through the eyes (watching), ears (listening), mouth and even the nose has an influence on us. All of our senses take in and absorb. What we take in will either BLESS (fortify and strengthen)...or STRESS, forcing us to compensate for something negative. Very little input is neutral, especially if it involves time and energy, which are valuable resources!

So, do you want to be blessed or stressed?

What will you put in, take in, or allow yourself to absorb, albeit purposefully or even passively? What you put or allow in affects you! This is just a challenge to think about it.
I did...and it really helped me to get life into perspective! Oh there will still be tough days...but that is when we need to go back and look at what is pouring in to our lives...AND what is coming out! Input and influence, hmmm...
Whether we see it, or like it, or not, what we do and say has an influence on others (even though it may not seem like it when it comes to parenting!). It all comes back to the control thing...
We can control what comes in and we can control what we put out. We cannot control other people but we CAN do our own part to be a POSITIVE INFLUENCE! That is empowering;)
The late Jim Rohn said it so eloquently, "You can be a FOUNTAIN or a DRAIN"

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