I would deploy my kids to timeout or their rooms when necessary, but they just didn't get it like the others! I brought them to church, we had rules, we were good parents, read all the books, took the parenting classes, but our kids did not respond like the others did. I was willing to invest time into anything that could help my family. I was looking for the answers for my kids. I wanted the results that Barb was telling me about (from my last email to you) how she and her kids experienced changes when using... NEUROFEEDBACK.
That was the ANSWER!
Listen to this:
After about 20 hours of such practice with neurofeedback, my daughter Cheyanne developed new patterns of thinking, reacting, and communicating. All just by watching and listening to movies and games on a feedback monitor. She transformed from a frequent flyer in the principal's office and sitting out of class in the hall to an honor student in her freshman year.
Her big brothers took notice and signed up for this training as well, especially because Cheyanne was taunting them with her success. Shortly afterward, the stressed out mom (that would be me) followed since apples don't fall too far from trees!
I'm happy to report that the four of us are off ADHD meds.
Aside from an occasional bump in the road which normally occurs in life, we are able to focus and concentrate, maintain peace and stability in the home, sleep at night, and enjoy a sense of self control like never before!
Beginning with a healthy brainstorm, I found within me, the sought-after answers...what I could work on and what I could just let go each day in order to achieve a healthy balanced life.
I want others to know how to get this for FREE
Stay tuned for my upcoming series:
Becky Bassham
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