In my last post, I promised to give you some stuff to think about...
We explored the things we cannot (or should not try to) control.
Now ask yourself the following question, "What CAN I control?"
Keeping control of the things we DO have influence over are enough to remain busy! No wonder we get overwhelmed at times, when trying to extend our control...
Perhaps it's that we try to control things BEYOND our reach. It helps to focus on those WITHIN our reach to maintain a healthy perspective. Let us focus on SOLUTIONS rather than dwelling on SITUATIONS! For every COMPLAINT, create an idea to make it better, thus shifting focus to a more empowering mode. This, in itself, offers hope!
In this series, we will look at each of the Five Keys to Getting Your Life in Perspective, taking them through ideas, solutions, and hope. These "keys" will offer relief from feeling powerless, overwhelmed, desperate, lost, and/or "What the heck happened to my goals and dreams?" Keep in mind, there is a time and season for everything. A time for planning, a time for working, and time for a break! Another way to describe this is "seed time and harvest."
Now let's take a look at the KEYS, one at a time...
KEY #1 TIME...
Is this you?
"I don't have enough hours in the day..."
"Time flies but I don't!"
"Where did the time go?"
"I don't have time!"
Ah, but you DO have time...if you choose to MAKE time! We are all given 24 hours in a day.
How we spend those hours is up to us and can make the difference between time well
spent (or invested) vs. time lost. The law of sowing and reaping describes how we
must consider that which we plant, tend to our seeds, and we will, in due time, reap that which sow. Therefore, the first thing to consider would be WHAT we do with our time.
In the next issue we'll explore a strategy for prioritizing...
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