Thanks so much for tuning in to my series
Keys to getting Your Life in Perspective!
Now here's a rule that has made my life so much easier! It simplifies the finances...
The 80-10-10 Rule: I learned this one years ago. It's a wise to teach this to children as well!
80% of incoming dollars go to you
10% set aside for savings
10% to your church, a ministry of some sort that encourages you, or a favorite other words...give back to society. It's really an investment. When you bless, you will
be blessed! I want to be blessed:)
When money is tight, ask yourself, "Do I really NEED to buy that, or do I just WANT to?" Invest in things that will IMPROVE your life, hold off on extra items that don't really make a difference. Want to know another way you can make a difference? You can contribute to the economy by patronizing small local businesses. Keep in mind, in regards to the economy and product choices, we VOTE with our dollars. You can contribute to good will and/or the environment by supporting businesses in which you agree with or believe in their principles, such as "green" recycling, buying products made in the USA, free trade, supporting businesses that contribute a percentage of purchases to local schools, charities, etc. That always makes me feels better about parting with my hard-earned income! I've come to embrace anything non-destructive that makes me feel good these days!
"But I don't have a job or any income right now!" If no job, consider starting something simple and market yourself! Get busy, even if you volunteer, it will become a reference and offer valuable work experience. You may even feel better about "spending" your TIME wisely! Consider your job search as a full time job, scheduling time for it every day to include networking, resume writing, and establishing your profile on Linked In and career websites. You might even consider learning a new skill and starting over like I did!
One thing we cannot afford to neglect is OUR HEALTH. It is imperative to invest time and money in your personal health...because health affects your body, your mind, and your future. I seldom scrimp when it comes to my food, for it's about providing quality FUEL for my body to run efficiently and optimally!
Stay tuned for Key#3 as we look at some simple, practical ways to take charge of our health.
Believe it or not, the doctor told me my health was in jeopardy! I'll share with you how
I took control and got it back...
For more helpful information and a financial recovery plan, check out this website:
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